Saturday, January 14, 2006

another stencil

This time cut freehand into blank xray film and sprayed onto board


Psychbloke said...

Blank X-Ray film?
Well, I suppose you can nick it from work....
I use cardboard, but it's not good. It curls after a while and buckles and you can keep the image crisp....

Psychbloke said...

I meant CAN'T keep

sigh9 said...

yeah - I think it was something Banksy suggested. It's a bugger to cut though , really tough and difficult to get the knife to bite. I've swapped back to cardboard because I don't generally make more than one or two copies anyway.

Psychbloke said...

I use cardboard and spray onto T-shirts, but it really gives me grief. I end up weighing it down with gravel in places.
I might try lino, but I'm sure it's a bugger to cut.
There's little tutorials on one of the links on my site, maybe I'll have a trawl through those.......