Tuesday, January 17, 2006

batgirl meme leaps from livejournal

okay, everyone must have seen the batgirl meme thing (thanks psychbloke

and this is the artfuel version....look eyechild...colours!

of course it..um..she is the result of terrifying memetic manipulation in the fetid artfuel imagination, but hell


Psychbloke said...


Though don't she have trouble judgin' distances when she's hurling that thing?

sigh9 said...

mmm...oh yeah...SONAR...huh thought you'd got me there dincha

The Eyechild said...

Nice.! you're loving your cyclops variants at the minute aren't you?

Pantone Magic Markers are nice, though most design studios these days seem to have forsaken them in favour of little white boxes; they've usually got a drawer-full of the poor things quietly drying out somewhere..